Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes – Protagonist Yamilet Flores cares about only two things: 1. Protecting her younger brother and 2. Hiding her sexual orientation from everyone at her new Catholic school. After being outed by the girl she’d thought of as her best friend at her previous school, Yami is determined to protect her secret at all costs. Something that grows increasingly difficult as her feelings for Bo, the only openly gay girl at school, 也在成长. At home, Yami struggles to feel supported by the people in her life. Through snide remarks, Yami knows that her mom considers being阅读更多→

Despite the prologue, this graphic novel (Messy Roots by Laura Gao) isn’t about the pandemic. The beautiful color pages of the first chapter describe what this book is really about: freedom and roots. Two concepts that can seem like opposites but that blend together in a beautiful combination in this book. Opening her story with her childhood in Wuhan, Gao makes it easy to see how different her adolescence in Texas is from her early years. As a child transplanted to the US at a young age, Gao quickly learns the importance of fitting in. She changes her Chinese name for the American “Laura” and阅读更多→

Taking place in 19th century England, this book begins with torture and intrigue. Immediately we’re dropped into a London full of smog and flickering lanterns. The world is cold and merciless, setting the stage for an epic battle between good and evil. Will, the protagonist, finds himself hiding in London after his mother is murdered. It doesn’t take long for Will’s enemies to find him and when they do Will is thrust into a magical world he didn’t know existed. He is revealed to be the last champion for the Light, the last barrier standing between the world that he knows and one that is阅读更多→

It’s that time of year again: the PBC Preferred Collections are here! It’s easy to stay current with all the new books you NEED to see, just use the PBC Preferred Collections! 3 Easy Ways to Stay Current 1.) Pick your own titles using our handy order forms. These are the Featured Collections, a.k.a. 完整名单. 2016-2017 Elementary PBC Featured Collection 2016-2017 Middle School PBC Featured Collection 2016-2017 High School PBC Featured Collection *These are the Excel order forms for the full lists, plus the preferred collections. 2.) One form and you’re done for the whole year! Use the three levels of PBC Preferred Collections. We combed through our featured collections阅读更多→

It’s that time of year again: the PBC Preferred Collections are here! It’s easy to stay current with all the new books you NEED to see, just use the PBC Preferred Collections! 3 Easy Ways to Stay Current 1.) Pick your own titles using our handy order forms. These are the Featured Collections, a.k.a. 完整名单. 2015 – 2016 Elementary New Releases 2015 – 2016 Middle School New Releases 2015 – 2016 High School New Releases 2.) One form and you’re done for the whole year! Use the three levels of PBC Preferred Collections. We combed through our featured collections (above) for the whole year and picked out all the must-have titles,阅读更多→