12 year-old Henry York’s parents have been kidnapped.  他被派去和他的家人一起生活 & boring Aunt Dottie and Uncle Frank in Henry, Kansas.  He’s bored, disconnected and unemotional; simply an observer of life, never a participant.  然而,, 随着我们对亨利的了解, we learn that he longs for connection, 为家庭, for the simple pleasures in life (like baseball).  As he settles into his attic bedroom and gets to know his 3 cousins and the farm on which he now lives, he starts to think maybe he can find something here he’s been missing – love and family. 然后在阅读更多→

When I was in junior high I loved horror and scary stories. I remember reading all kinds of things and not being able to put down the gruesome tales of ghosts, 鬼屋, 谋杀, supernatural phenomenon and demons even though I’d be afraid to fall asleep later.  Reading Simon Holt’s 的吞噬 reminded me of that freakish pleasure I used to take in scary stories.  It was a great read, quick, thrilling and scary! When we meet high school freshmen Reggie, she is reading about the Vours in a mysterious old journal, and she assumes they are just the musings of an anonymous lunatic. 她着迷阅读更多→

《welcome皇冠地址》, 39条线索第一册, Amy and Dan Cahill are orphans whose world falls apart with the death of their beloved (and wealthy) grandmother, 格蕾丝. 在葬礼上, the lawyer calls together a select few of her many relatives into the mansion’s Great Hall and offers them each a choice: take a one-million-dollar inheritance and leave, or, 而不是钱, be given the first of 39 clues that “might lead you to the most important treasure in the world and make you powerful beyond belief . . . 或者它会杀了你.” Amy and Dan take a clue, although they are mystified and confused阅读更多→

In Arizona author Terri Field’s new book, 我父的儿子, high-school junior Kevin Windor leads a normal life, until the day his father is arrested as the suspect in a brutal serial killing spree.  He was caught trying to climb out of the latest victim’s bathroom window, and the press is quick to pounce on him as a monster.  Kevin and his mom are shocked by the arrest – Greg Windor was a normal guy.  As everyone starts to turn against his dad, 通过联想他, Kevin tries to believe in his dad’s innocence until the fateful result of the DNA testing is released.  那时凯文阅读更多→

活死人女孩by Elizabeth Scott is a disturbing book.  Alice was abducted by Ray when she was 10 and has been living as his child sexual slave for the last 5 years.  She has been beaten and raped and reminded daily that if she tries to escape, Ray will find her and will return to her childhood home and murder her parents.  现在她15岁了, Alice knows that Ray is tiring of her, because she cannot stay a girl-child forever, and soon he will kill her as he did to the Alice he had before her.  But then he makes an unusual request – Alice阅读更多→

小奥黛丽, is Ruth White’s latest novel and most personal work to date. It tells the story of a time in her childhood when she and her family were living in a coal mining camp in southwestern Virginia.  Taking real events and imagining them through the eyes of her older sister, White crafts a poignant and charming tale of what it’s like to be poor, 饿了, 有时是快乐的. Fierce in its honesty, we see through 11 year old Audrey’s eyes and learn about this harsh world.  与饥饿作斗争, 贫困, 矿井里的艰苦生活, 酗酒, 抑郁症, and illness are balanced by moments of family joy,阅读更多→

Sarah Mussi’s first novel, 不归之门, is a suspense-filled thriller.  It is a robust and vivid adventure rooted in the terrible history and legacy of the African slave trade. Zac Baxter’s grandfather has always told him they are the last descendants of an African King, but Zac always thought it was just a crazy pipe dream his grandfather clung to.  When his grandfather, Pops, is killed by muggers, Zac is devastated. 被寄养父母抛弃, 然后被迫进入孤儿院, 扎克从一个麻烦到另一个麻烦, but over time incidents and clues arise to lead him to believe that maybe Pops’ obsession wasn’t a fantasy after all. 阅读更多→

Artichoke’s Heart is a typical realistic fiction story where the overweight teen girl clears up her relationship with her family, 处理她母亲的病, 得到一个最好的朋友, 克服了学校里的恶霸, 得到她喜欢的男孩, 并学会对自己好. The premise is familiar but the writing and characters draw you in.   它是凄美而甜蜜的. I would recommend it for teens and adults. Younger readers should be aware that there is some mature language and topics. 由米歇尔发布阅读更多→

说实话, 《welcome皇冠地址》, the end to the highly successful Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, was not everything that I had hoped for. 然而, it does succeed in giving the delightful love story between Bella and Edward that has enthralled us for three books a resounding finish, and Meyer has pulled out all the stops drafting this story. 加入一些新的变化, 有很多角色, and bringing back the vampires we love to hate, 《welcome皇冠地址》 shatters the Twilight mold and boldly enters a whole new arena. One of the new features in 《welcome皇冠地址》 is having a large section of阅读更多→