I love smart, irreverent narrators, and Kiriel is one of my new favorites.  在一个. M. Jenkins’  2010 Grand Canyon Reader Nominee 收回, 我们遇到了一个无聊的人, 未被欣赏的万事通, Kiriel.  问题是, he’s not your average suburban American teenager, he just took possession of one to experience physical existence.  And don’t call him a demon, which carries way too much negative baggage; he prefers Fallen Angel. 正如他所说, the main difference between him and the Unfallen Angels is that he “wondered, 质疑, 面对, 最终要求, and in general pushed the edges of the envelope till the envelope burst.“完美的灵魂栖息阅读更多→

在一个rizona Grand Canyon Reader Award 2010 Nominee 生存法则 , Nancy Werlin tackles the topic of child abuse.  18-year-old Matt writes a letter to his youngest sister, 艾美奖, in an effort to come to terms with the childhood of fear they lived at the hands of their unpredictable, 疯狂的母亲.  Matt insists that “fear isn’t actually a bad thing . . . . It warns you to pay attention, because you’re in danger. It tells you to do something, to act, to save yourself.在整个短片中, 引人入胜的章节, Matt recounts his memories of growing up, 他的恐惧是显而易见的, 但他的也是阅读更多→

我们只是爱图森作家 & 插画师克里斯·加尔!  His books are awesome, his art is amazing, and he’s a funny guy.  他的新书, Dinotrux, is due out in 2009年6月 and the rights have been acquired by Dreamworks for a full-length, 三维动画.  是的,克里斯!  Check out his blog for an animated trailer of the book, 这将, 当然, confirm your suspicions – that prehistoric trucks once roamed the earth!  由科里发布阅读更多→

一个词:令人愉快! 救援塞内卡起重机 is Susan Runholt’s second Kari + Lucas 神秘.  She again delivers a action-packed, clever, well-structured mystery.  卡莉和卢卡斯很有洞察力, 有趣的, self-sufficicient teenagers with whom girls will enjoy spending time solving mysteries and just hanging out. Kari and Lucas are on a trip to Scotland with Kari’s mom. She’s there to interview a piano-playing teen prodigy, Seneca Crane.  首先,卡莉 & Lucas think Seneca will be too talented to relate to, but soon after meeting her and her over-protective parents, they decide she needs to be rescued from her restrictive life.  What they don’t realize is that they’ll soon阅读更多→

震: Newton Starker’s Rules for Survival is a sharp, fun, and quick read.  Newton Starker always knew he would most likely die from a lightning strike. It would all happen in the blink of an eye – Zap! One fried 14-year old Newton, the last heir of the Starker line. Two years after his mother was killed by a lightning strike (as has every other member of the Starker family for generations), Newton is starting a new life at a survival school in the Canadian prairie.  He’s got challenges ahead – having lived most of his life indoors,  sheltered from the menace of the weather,阅读更多→

丽塔·墨菲的最新小说, 鸟, blends magical realism and mystery in telling the story of a girl easily carried away by the wind; a grim secretive widow; and an ominous house on a cliff. Miranda has no memory of where she came from – only that one day a huge gust of wind picked her up and brought her to Widow Barrows and Bourne Manor.  The Widow outfits Miranda with steel boots to keep her on the ground and forbids her leaving the house, but show her no other warmth or kindness. Bourne Manor is also a cold, grim place, full of foreboding, secrets and menace.阅读更多→

Michael Harmon’s new novel is aptly titled 残酷的.  坡·霍利的舌头像剃刀一样锋利, 足以烧毁一座城镇的愤怒, and the guts to speak her mind no matter how brutal the truth may be. 16-year-old Poe’s mom has dumped her with her long-estranged father in a quiet, well-to-do California wine country town where everything is absolutely perfect on the surface.  坡的朋克风格, anti-establishment attitude and anger issues mean right away she won’t fit in to the status quo.  And she finds out quickly enough that lurking behind the perfect exterior of this town and its perfect high school is a painful阅读更多→

Phoenix Book Company is excited to schedule school appearances by The Vampire Academyseries author Richelle Mead in Phoenix on May 4, 2009. St. Vladimir’s Academy isn’t just any boarding school—it’s a hidden place where vampires are educated in the ways of magic and half-human teens train to protect them. Rose Hathaway is a Dhampir, a bodyguard for her best friend Lissa, a Moroi Vampire Princess. They’ve been on the run, but now they’re being dragged back to St. Vladimir’s—the very place where they’re most in danger. . . .阅读更多→

森林和手与牙, 凯莉·瑞恩的处女作, begins seven generations after the Return, an undead plague that has ended civilization as we know it. 小说中的女主角, 玛丽, lives in a village surrounded by one last vestige of industrial technology: a chain-link fence, beyond which is a vast forest full of shambling, eternally ravenous zombies –the forest of hands and teeth. No villager ever goes outside this fence, 除非他们想死, 或者更糟, be infected and become one of the undead. 玛丽’s world is bounded not only by the fence but by the archaic traditions of her people, 哪些是由a决定的阅读更多→