There’s a lot going on in debut author Lissa Price’s dystopian sci-fi action romance 开胃菜.  Within the first 3 pages I wrote “玩偶之家?在这一页的顶部, 实现多重情节, 设置, and character similarities to Joss Whedon’s short-lived TV Series, 玩偶之家.  Then there’s the subtle inspiration and re-envisioning of the Cinderella fairytale, 加入了科幻元素, reminding me of Melissa Marr’s fantastic Cinder.  And of course the post-apocalyptic world, ravaged by the Spore Wars and the smart determined young heroine willing to risk herself to save her younger sibling will be a great “what do I read next?在…之后阅读更多→

Nevermore: Final Maximum Ride 冒险, by James Patterson One last chance… for Max, 方, 还有迪伦,在一切结束之前. Are you ready for the final chapter? Are you ready for the ultimate flight? 因为就是这样. 最后一个不可思议的, explosive adventure with an astonishing ending that no one could have seen coming.阅读更多→

Perfect Escape by Jennifer Brown Kendra has always felt overshadowed by her older brother, 格雷森, whose OCD forces him to live a life of carefully coordinated routines. The only way Kendra can stand out next to 格雷森 is to be perfect, and she has perfection down to an art — until a cheating scandal threatens her flawless reputation. 在她车的方向盘后面, 格雷森睡在她身边, Kendra decides to drive away from it all — with enough distance, maybe she’ll be able to figure everything out. But eventually, Kendra must stop running and come to terms with herself, her brother, and her阅读更多→

Enchantress (Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel) by Michaels Scott The twins of prophecy have been split. 尼古拉斯·勒梅快死了. 约翰·迪有力量之剑. 而达努塔利斯还没有倒台. The future of the human race lies in the balance—how will the legend end? Snivel: Fifth Circle of Heck by Dale E Basye Dale E. Basye sends Milton and Marlo to Snivel, 圆圈是留给爱哭的人的, for their latest hilarious escapade in Heck. Snivel is a camp—a bummer camp—a dismal place where it’s always raining, and Unhappy Campers are besieged by swarms of strange mosquitoes that suck the阅读更多→

吸血鬼之吻, 不朽的心, by Ellen Schreiber Ellen Schreiber was an actress and a stand-up comedienne before becoming a writer. She is the author of the first book about Celeste and Brandon, 满月一次, 还有《welcome皇冠地址》, 喜剧的女孩, and the bestselling Vampire Kisses series, 包括吸血鬼之吻, 吸血鬼之吻2:亲吻棺材, 《吸血鬼之吻3:吸血鬼小镇, Vampire Kisses 4: Dance with a Vampire, 吸血鬼之吻5:棺材俱乐部, 吸血鬼之吻6:皇室血统, 吸血鬼之吻7:爱咬, and Vampire Kisses 8: Cryptic Cravings. She is also the author of the fully illustrated manga series about阅读更多→

失落的灵魂之城, by Cassandra Clare This title is fifth in the international bestselling paranormal thriller series “The Mortal Instruments”. This is the follow-up to the international number one bestseller “City of Fallen Angels”. “The Mortal Instruments” series has over one million books in print. It has been on the New York Times bestseller list for six months straight. The books have been translated into 19 languages and have also appeared on bestseller lists in Germany, 爱尔兰, 澳大利亚, 新西兰和加拿大. Film rights optioned, with Lily Collins and Jamie Campbell Bower cast as leads Clary and Jace. Global cover reveal planned for autumn阅读更多→

幽灵骑士, by Cornelia Funke Jon didn’t expect to be confronted by a pack of vengeful ghosts at his new boarding school. Now he and his friend Ella must uncover a centuries-old murder, all while haunted by terrifying spirits. When Jon summons the ghost of Knight Longspee, only one question remains-can Longspee be trusted? 入侵者, 兄弟乐队编年史#2, by John Flanagan Follow up to the highly successful Brotherband Chonicles #1: Outcasts Revenge of the Dinotrux!, by Chris Gall THE DINOTRUX ARE BACK… AND LOOKING FOR A SNACK! Millions of years ago, DINOTRUX ruled the earth. But in the present day, people rule them! 他们生锈的化石阅读更多→

Whisper, by Alison Noel This time, Riley might really have bitten off more than she’s ready for. After practically begging the Council for a more challenging Soul Catch, she is assigned an actual Roman gladiator—Theocoles, 毁灭之柱. How is Riley, a skinny twelve-year-old, supposed to get through to him? Then she meets the beautiful Messalina, who convinces her that her only chance is to become part of this world. 要做到这一点, Messalina helps Riley through a dramatic, 神秘的改造, transforming her into the beautiful and mature teen she’s always wanted to be. Finally, Riley can experience her first boyfriend and her first阅读更多→

Polly Horvath’s latest is a heart-warming little gem about a girl in need of some security, a pair of empty-nesters in need of a new hobby, and a villainous bunch of bad guys looking to cause a lot of trouble.  当自给自足, hard-working 5th grader Madeline arrives home one evening, 她发现了她的轻浮, hippie parents have gone missing:  all that’s left is a threatening note from “The Enemy” and a recipe card written in code.  Turns out Flo and Mildred (Madeline’s parents) have been kidnapped by a gang of Foxes who are in search of a Master Decoder to decode their gangs’ recipes for阅读更多→