Lucille “Lucy” Peevey dreams of leaving Sunnyside Trailer Park and becoming a famous scientist. She lives with her mother, Margaret, and her younger sister Izzy. Lucy’s biggest supporter, her grandmother, recently passed away. 在奶奶去世之前, Lucy promised her that she would participate and win the annual BotBlock competition. The BotBlock competition requires applicants to create and program their own robots to complete various challenges. Lucy and her best friend Cam have created their step by step plan to succeed in their goal and win the competition with their own robot, PingPing200. 很简单,对吗?? 错误的. First, Lucy is struggling to survive seventh grade. 有一个阅读更多→

“Maybe time, as they say, is just a human invention. Maybe I never really left because leaving wasn’t possible. 也许我们都在同一根绳子上, and maybe our past selves are on that string and our future selves are too… Maybe we all just exist, all versions of us just exist at all times, and we just have to figure out a way to get to each of them, to find each one and tell that version that it’s okay, 这就是它的运作方式, just a concept too powerful to ignore but too complicated to explain” (200)  ‘诺金’, 最新的阅读更多→

While Matt Hunter seems like a typical middle school student, his world is anything but normal. Matt’s town, Edenvale,  is now acquainted with a new kind of species…zombies! There are also a team of police officers to regulate the zombies, known as The Zombie Squad. Their job is to 保护 the living members of Edenvale and ensure the zombies stay in their walled off community. Citizens of Edenvale are also responsible for registering themselves and all pets with the Zombie Squad to 保护 other citizens in the event of a death. To not register yourself or animals is against the law. 马特不担心阅读更多→

Last year when Emma was 14 she lost her sight in a terrible accident.  现在, she’s about to return to her sighted high school as a sophomore, 她错过了整个大一学年, and she’s no further along in accepting her new life than she was during her “lost year”.  Despite having spent time at a school for the blind and making progress in “life skills”, 艾玛还是很困惑, 愤怒的, 不满, 和沮丧.  Returning to “normal” high school seems like it will be a good step towards regaining the life that was stolen from her, 而是艾玛的羞耻感, 恐惧, 和焦虑阅读更多→

Another Day as Emily – Eileen Spinelli Have you ever been so tired of life that you decided to change who you were? 11岁的苏西有.  After her brother becomes a “Little Hero” around town, and her best friend gets wrapped up in her acting pursuits, 苏西几乎被遗忘了.  She determines to live her life in a new way – Emily Dickinson’s way. 在白色长裙中, 信, 烘焙, and cleaning Suzy learns who she really is in Spinelli’s new novel. Written in verse, it is a very easy, quick read, but one that teaches as it goes. Historical facts and figures abound, engaging阅读更多→

I’ve waxed on before about how much I love it when a book transports me into a life I’ll never have the chance to live – into a culture, 或者一段时间, or a circumstance – because isn’t that the whole point of reading books?  在某种程度上, that’s the point of all art – whether its a book, 一幅画, 音乐, theatre – they’re all expressions of the human experience that we share with others to connect us and celebrate the variety and similarity of our time here on Earth.  Last night I started, and was so transported byPadma Venkatraman‘s newest, A Time to阅读更多→

Reality TV is everywhere; one can hardly think of an aspect of modern American life that hasn’t been manipulated, 暴露, 并被“真人秀”电视炒作.  So it’s no surprise that the casualties of this epidemic are starting to find their way into other media, 包括青少年和儿童书籍.  去年我喜欢A.S. King’s Reality Boy and on Sunday I fell head over heels with 几乎完全 by Lisa Graff.  Earlier this spring I got lost in the halls of Minneapolis’ Selwyn Academy, a fine arts high school that is at the center of For Art’s Sake – Fame, 但说真的.  凯特阅读更多→

在她最近发布的, 进退两难, Sarah Skilton skillfully and accurately portrays the drama of high school.  Through protagonists Charlie Dixon and Ellie Chen, along with a cast of other characters in Palm Valley, 加州, Skilton writes a sports story while realistically capturing the conflicts of adolescence.  After a traumatic experience in Little League when he was saved by his friend 赖德, Charlie has grown into a “soccer hottie” who loves the glorious lunacy and unpredictable bliss of the game.  赖德, 另一方面, failed the drug test required to compete in high school sports, 所以尽管他是“最好的击球手”, 跑步者,阅读更多→

I’ve been thinking about 脆弱性 a lot lately.  Part of it is due to reading this; and what surprises me is once you start looking for authenticity and its root, 脆弱性, 随处可见.  你还能看到墙壁, 盔甲套装, and other shields our culture teaches a person to use to hide, 保护, and deny this most human of all qualities.  想象一下我当时有多激动, just a few pages into National Book Award Nominee Lisa Graff‘s forthcoming 几乎完全, I realized that I was holding a book deeply interwoven with 脆弱性 and authenticity.  And my excitement was not disappointed in阅读更多→