Sometimes a book comes along and I think to myself, “everyone I know needs to read this.”  Imagine my complete and utter delight when, 上个周末, I read a pair of books coming out this Fall from Simon & Schuster that took my breath away, opened my eyes, and uplifted my hope for a better life.  And now I will have the opportunity to share these memoirs with you, book friends.  And you must pick them up and in turn share them with everyone you know; really, it’s that important. 诚实的, 清晰的, 在情感上有影响力, Some Assembly Required and Rethinking Normal are the memoirs of阅读更多→

艾德里安·布莱克住在阿什克罗夫特, 英格兰北部的一个小村庄, during the Middle Ages when England is at war with Scotland and “the savage Scots are planning to invade again” (13).  艾德里安, 谁马上就要13岁了, 渴望成为贵族, 一个英雄, and a master archer—a dream he believes can come true if he is a soldier.   然而, because 艾德里安’s sister and mother both died in the plague, 男孩约翰, who is also 艾德里安’s father and afraid of losing his son as well, 过度保护. These are just a few of the challenges that 艾德里安 faces.  其他阅读更多→

YA Master Scott Westerfeld is back  this Fall with 后代才, 一个novel-within-a-novel, tightly intertwining a fully developed realistic YA romance with am equally robust spooky paranormal horror story, exploring the many ways in which our stories and our secrets define every aspect of our lives. 18 year old Darcy Patel’s composed-in-one-month paranormal horror story, 后代才, has been picked up by a major publishing house, 净赚200美元,000 advance and the chance to put college on hold and move to 纽约 City to be a “real writer”.  Naive, star-struck, and plagued with self-doubt, Darcy is not going to miss the chance at the life阅读更多→

In 1941, seventeen-year-old Zenji Watanabe is Japanese born in America, 一个Nisei, 有语言的天赋.  Colonel Blake sees that gift and offers Zenji an opportunity to travel from Honolulu, 夏威夷, 去马尼拉这样的地方, but that opportunity comes with a price beyond the patriotism, 奇怪的兴奋, 和被禅济珍视的薪水支票. With the code name Bamboo Rat and his bilingual gifts, 禅宗作为一个低调的人被招募, 军事情报.  In that role, he learns the difference between civilian Japan and military Japan.  He also discovers the difficulty in befriending those whom he may have to betray and confronts the dilemmas in a country’s阅读更多→

Best selling fantasy authors Holly Black and Cassandra Clare are launching a 5 book fantasy series for middle readers this fall with The Iron Trial.  In their introductory letter to booksellers, they invite us into their world where “a chosen hero, whose high and lonely destiny is to defeat the villain, whatever the personal sacrifice to himself… [who has] tragedy and secrets in his past, 神奇的力量在等着我们, but “we wanted people to believe they knew what kind of story they were in for.  And then we wanted them to be surprised…” Indeed, Black and Clare have succeeded in taking the now all-too-familiar conventions of children’s阅读更多→

可怕的力量, 苏珊·麦卡勒姆很坚定, 无情的, 和负责, but she’s only ten years old and a girl—ineligible for military service during the World War II era.  当她崇拜的兄弟们, 汉克和西奥, decide to serve their country in the navy, 苏珊非常生气.  他们典型的坚忍, 苏格兰的父亲, who fears that he may lose both sons, forbids that they serve in the same branch of the military.  So, 西奥加入了陆军航空队, and the two brothers—the best defensive in-fielders in the game of baseball in Accokeek, Maryland—vow to play catch across the world, 一个在航空母舰上阅读更多→

辐射.  基础垫层.  灼热的. Staring into the sun without eye protection will ruin your eyes.  Looking at a solar eclipse directly blinds you.  Seeing the reflection of the moon in still water enchants the soul.  All of which are also true when you read Jandy Nelson‘s latest  我给你太阳.  令人回味的散文, 丰富的精心制作的图像, 描述, and metaphor; fully realized, 有缺陷的, and oh-so-human characters; gut-wrenching tragedy and heart-stealing love; and a dual narrative structure that moves back-and-forth through time and across perspectives combine to make you feel like you’re staring in wide-eyed amazement at whole sky full of stars. 诺亚和裘德,这是双胞胎阅读更多→

Nothing is going right for 11-year old Jarrett: he’s gotta pass summer school at an all-boys charter school if he wants to advance to seventh grade, and he overheard the teacher tell the principal she thinks he stupid and won’t pass; his best friend Ennis, recently back from his summer trip to see his dad in Jamaica, is acting aloof and strange; he’s scared to tell the girl he likes, 任性, about his feelings for her; but worst of all, the most recent foster baby that his mom has taken in came to them with an older brother, Kevon, 谁跟贾勒特一样大,抢走了阅读更多→

I don’t even know where to begin, exactly. 杰奎琳·伍德森的抒情, 精致的, 和精心制作的诗歌回忆录, 棕色女孩的梦想, seems beyond my abilities to critique.  Poems spanning her birth in February 1963 through her fifth grade year take us from Columbus, 俄亥俄州到格林维尔, 南卡罗来纳, 最终到达布鲁克林, 纽约.  Born on the edge of the Civil Rights movement, Jackie’s childhood is framed by the Jim Crow south and the hope of the Great Migration, 但它的丰富性, 纹理, and heft comes from her beloved family: her grandfather Gunnar, 叫爸爸, 和祖母Irby, who raised Jackie and her brother Hope and阅读更多→