Debut author Stacey Lee‘s 在彩绘的天空下 lyrically intertwines aspects of America’s Western expansion that are rarely, 如果有, 探索.  Into the very real world of the California Gold Rush, the pioneers’ homesteading journeys  along the Oregon Trail, and the lawlessness of the “Wild West“, Lee creates a powerfully moving story of friendship, 种族和性别政治, 最重要的是, 勇气和信念.  It’s a treat to spend time with a writer who takes pains to research and then accurately represent, 用美丽的, 生动的散文, 一个世界就这样过去了, 让它充满活力, 有趣的, 和共振. 15岁的美籍华人阅读更多→

因为她是“影子”, a footstep in the woods that disappears, a twig no one notices” (19) and because she spends so much time climbing apple trees, Teresa Jane Fowler is better known in Sidwell, 麻萨诸塞州, 像树枝.  12岁的嫩枝, the protagonist in Alice Hoffman‘s newest book, 夜猫子, is good at running and at keeping the Fowler family secrets—among them the recipes for specialty pink apple desserts, the effects of the Agnes Early curse, and the reasons for the family’s reclusive manners and unusual nature.  These secrets lead to hurt and loneliness for Twig, but she wears her loneliness like armor. 虽然生活中没有阅读更多→

A hidden past and an uncertain future.  There are mysteries around every shady corner in 沉睡的大陆, 摇摇欲坠的海底世界, once hailed as the last outpost of humanity on earth.  但现在, the formerly glorious city is barely breathing, hanging on by the annual exchange of minerals (and people) for food and resources from their long-estranged sister city Above.  人们焦躁不安, 害怕, engaged in black market trading in their Deepmarket, and looking to the corrupt priesthood for answers and hope. At the center of this dying world is Rio, daughter of the recently deceased woman who was the beloved leader of their people, 谁的神秘阅读更多→

Legendary comic book writer Stan Lee‘s first prose novel, 收敛, 会从你的书架上飞出去吗.   A mismatched group of regular teens has suddenly been imbued with mystical ancient powers, linked to the animals of the Chinese zodiac.   At the center is 14 year old Chinese American Steven Lee, who has never really felt like he fits in anywhere and more than anything, 希望他能成为英雄.  去香港的学校旅行, Steven stumbles into an underground cavern where he’s unwittingly caught up in an energy convergence that gives him the deadly powers of the Tiger.  史蒂文的力量来了阅读更多→

夏季,圣. 基尔达、澳大利亚.  The long, languid days of  Christmas holiday break stretch before 15 year old Sky Martin.  She and her family, she says, are “like inverse superheroes, marked by our defects.  Dad was addicted to beer and bootlegs. Gully [her younger brother] had ‘social difficulties’ … I was surface clean, but underneath a weird hormonal stew was simmering. My defects weren’t the kind you see just from looking.” (2)  Into lives of the Martin family that summer come 19 year old enigmatic Nancy, 他的挑战, 刺激, 嘲弄, and awakes something in Sky she didn’t know was there and tragic, 破碎的, 还有性感的卢克, 是谁阅读更多→

今年秋天早些时候, Newbery Medal winner Christopher Paul Curtis returned to Buxton, 加拿大, 和《松树林的疯子.  It’s forty years later than his last visit and the children we met have grown and the town has flourished.  11 year old “Benji” Alston loves roaming the Piney Woods that surround Buxton, whether he’s playing American Civil War with his friends, or visiting the secret swimming hole, 或者只是在外面消磨时间.  Benji’s set his sights on being a newspaper man and is thrilled when he gets an apprenticeship at the newspaper in neighboring Chatham.  “Red” Stockard is a scientist, observing the world around him阅读更多→

All Jack wants is to live up to his namesake: “maybe I was born to be great, but great at what?(2)这真的很难, considering that “we lived on a little farm in a small village, where nothing big or great has ever happened in all my twelve years.” (3).  Young Jack was named after a distant grandfather who purportedly conquered nine giants and married the daughter of a duke.  从杰克记事起, his humble farmer father has told him stories of this grandfather, and Jack has longed for any chance at adventure to prove his right to such a great阅读更多→

Some adolescents attempt to break out of the traps they perceive in their current life conditions by acting out; others use creative outlets like music to escape.  突破 by Kevin Emerson follows the story of fourteen-year-old Anthony Castillo and his best friend Keenan on a twelve day journey to Fall Arts Night in Seattle, 华盛顿. 倾向于夸张, Anthony plays lead guitar in a band called the Rusty Soles, 基南弹奏贝斯.  两个男孩都在凯瑟琳中学上学, a K-8 school in which the eighth graders are expected to lead by example.  Anthony takes exception to that nearly impossible expectation by suggesting that eighth graders阅读更多→