Because of an extreme sensitivity to the sun, twelve-year-old Jess has to dress up in an outfit best suited to tending bees.  Feeling frustrated and alienated about a life that makes her different, she slips out at night to experience the outdoors and to explore the neighborhood like other children might. One night while searching for a normal life, Jess steps through a gap in a laurel hedge at the city park and discovers a world composed completely and entirely of ice.  Glittering white and brilliant silver, the ice garden could be the result of her imagination or her dreams.   Here she meets Owen, and阅读更多→

Sasquatch are real. So are mermaids and chupacabras. And the Unicorn Rescue Society has taken it upon itself to rescue any of these mythical endangered creatures that need help. Which is why Elliot and Uchenna, elementary-age members of the Unicorn Rescue Society, are on their way to the state of Washington, where the Sasquatch are in trouble. An evil corporation is after the trees in their habitat, and after them, too! Can Elliot and Uchenna stop to the Schmokes Brothers before it’s too late? This humorous and heartwarming story is full of facts about many creatures, both fictional and real; disguises; complicated vehicles; beautiful trees;阅读更多→

For the past year, Stuart Mallory and Sophie Sawyer have lived and breathed Camelot’s Honor, an online multi-player game featuring King Arthur, 漂亮宝贝, 莫甘娜, 梅林, and the many other characters from Arthurian Legend.  Slaving away on menial quests, gaining experience, and rising in levels, the two tweens are obsessed with gaming.  毕竟, life is so much easier inside the game where a person never has to worry about being cool or impressing anyone else.  Also unlike junior high, there are no surprises in the game, all the fight sequences can be researched online, and a person can look and act any way he or阅读更多→