《welcome皇冠地址》作者:奥顿·艾伦 invites readers to consider some important issues and to answer some key questions. 艾伦讲述了两个黑人的生活:凯文, 1968年的激进分子, 和他的侄子纪伯伦·威尔逊, a high school senior in 1995 attending Lakeside Academy in New York. Allen’s intergenerational story is about “Black people taking care of business—the business of and for Black people” (37). It shares the similarities in the fights both young men have in exercising control over their lives, 在政治上, 在经济上, 和精神上. Through her two protagonists, Allen asks: Do we join the world with all its imperfections阅读更多→

Anyone looking for a book with a strong female character will find it in 莉莲姆·里维拉的《勉强漂浮. 故事发生在洛杉矶东部, Rivera’s book features twelve-year-old Natalie de la Cruz Rivera y Santiago, 又称Nat. 一个难以控制的胖女孩(狡猾), Nat feels it is her duty to school anyone who acts out of bounds. 她是无所畏惧的. After seeing the performance of an artistic swimming team, 洛杉矶美人鱼, Nat decides she wishes to be on the synchronized swimming team. She not only wants to do something glamorous but to wear the sequined and shiny costumes. 然而,阅读更多→

篮球定义了巴克莱·艾略特. As captain of the Chitwood High School basketball team in Georgia, Barclay dreams of eventually putting his talent to the test at a big-city D1 school with his best friend Zack Ito. 肖恩·海耶斯《暂停》中的主角, 托德女帽设计师, 还有卡琳·格林沃尔德, Barclay believes that a team is a family who shares everything and supports one another; it is a place where talent, 强度, 和坚毅相辅相成, 无论负担如何. 然而, when his biggest fan and the father figure in his life, his grandpa Scratch dies before seeing the Wildcats win another阅读更多→

Readers of 鲁奇拉·古普塔的《我踢我飞 will be inspired by the strong female characters as well as horrified by the novel’s sex trafficking theme. Set in northern India in a town called Forbesganj located in the state of Bihar, Gupta’s book reveals the story of fourteen-year-old Heera who intimately knows both hunger and homelessness. A member of the nomadic Nat tribe, Heera and her family are members of an oppressed caste. 她的族人曾经是摔跤手和表演者, but “overnight [they] were told [they] couldn’t do those things anymore, [他们的]整个生活方式都是非法的”(283). 寻求阅读更多→

Although the two main characters in Deborah Crossland’s newest novel, The Quiet Part Out Loud are a baseball pitcher and a cheerleader, this is not your typical “athlete gets the girl” romance. 这是一本关于精神的书, 情感, and spiritual wholeness as much as it is about how relationships involve opening worlds for one another and experiencing those worlds together. 它证实了爱是一个行为动词. More than just feeling, love is doing; it is serving the needs of others. Set in San Francisco, the story follows the lives of Alfie Thanasis and Mia Clementine. 决心在人身上发现美阅读更多→

在她的小说《皇冠登录welcome》中,蒂芙尼. 杰克逊 tackles a tough topic: segregated proms and their underlying societal racism. She also unpacks light-skin privilege and explores telekinesis so that she can effectively paint a picture of her protagonist, 麦迪逊·华盛顿(Maddy). Under the thumb of an abusive father, Maddy is unaware that she’s strong, brave, and powerful. She dreams of someday being part of a movie crew and sharing a Hollywood set with famous superstars. 她设想在设计部门工作, sewing elaborate costumes or maybe creating in the kitchen, 烹饪美食. 但最重要的是,她“想要有人去爱”阅读更多→

加入安吉·托马斯的《The Hate U Give》, Marie Arnold’s book I Rise has potential to inspire 激进主义 while also offering rich allusions to influential personalities from the Black community as well as allusions to Black poets like Nikki Giovanni, Maya Angelou, and Sonia Sanchez; in addition to Black musicians like Nina Simone, 艾瑞莎•弗兰克林, 惠特尼·休斯顿. Through her story telling, Arnold creates a safe space for all traumatized youth. 几乎15, Ayomide Bosia no longer has the energy to carry the sadness and pressure of 激进主义 life. She yearns to be young and unencumbered by the heavy responsibility that her mother shoulders daily. 哈尔曼氏崖爬藤的阅读更多→

M的读者.T. Anderson (Feed) and Cory Doctorow (Little Brother) will likely enjoy 巴勃罗·卡塔亚的《welcome皇冠地址》. 事实上, Cartaya’s book is a blend of dystopian fiction and environmental awareness literature targeted towards middle grade readers. For twelve-year-old Yolanda (Yoly) Cicerón, life is all tech and upgrades. Strong, 聪明的, 和固执, Yoly aspires to become a certified neurolink surgeon someday so that she can make some “real money” and live on Remembrance Road where all the designers, 程序员, 科学家们. 有了这样的位置, she and her sister Cami can escape the poverty of farming the strawberry fields. 在她二十出头的时候,阅读更多→

卡尔·海森的读者们, 德羽衣甘蓝, and Laurie Halse Anderson’s Vet Volunteers series will likely be drawn to Evan Griffith’s debut novel for middle grade readers, 海牛夏天. Griffith tells the story of Peter Harrison and Tommy Saunders, two Florida youth who will enter sixth grade in the fall. The pair plans to spend their summer completing their Discovery Journal, a project that they began two years ago in which they catalog every animal species they see in the wild. Each discovery in the two hundred-page journal gets two pages. On one, Tommy records research notes; on another, Peter draws pictures. 这两个情人阅读更多→