Fierce, determined, proud, and furious, Leto wants to be remembered as extraordinary. 而不是, 十七岁时, she becomes one of the twelve girls sacrificed to appease the raging sea and to abate Poseidon’s wrath so that others in Ithaca can prosper. 只是,莱托没有死. She washes up on the shores of the island Pandou where Melantho introduces her to a mission: In order to break the curse and to save other girls from the annual hanging ritual, the Prince of Ithaca—who gives the orders for the deaths—must die. However, once Leto and Melantho reach the shores of Itaca under a ruse, they discover阅读更多→

E. 洛克哈特在《皇冠登录welcome》中写了一个令人难以忘怀的故事. She not only shares how unearned privilege can lead to “terrible things on top of terrible things” but how those with resources often get a pass: “They assume that girls like us—educated girls from a ‘good family’—they assume we are telling the truth. We get the benefit of the doubt, the assumption of innocence, conferred by our family name” (277). 藏在故事里, 虽然, 洛克哈特 also shares how messy and miserable that “pretending, 说谎, 试着玩得开心”(219)可以变成. Because Carrie Sinclair is depressed and suffering, dealing with issues of阅读更多→

以苏格兰为背景, Sasha Alberg的《welcome皇冠地址》 tells the story of Klara Spalding and Callum Drummond who are from different times—Callum from 1568; Klara from the present. 在上古森林救下卡勒姆之后, Klara discovers that he is a time-traveler whose best friend was murdered in cold blood by what appeared to be a supernatural entity. Being rooted to empirical observation and the scientific method, 克拉拉相信科学, so the whole notion of time travel puzzles and confuses her. “The beauty and mystery of the universe had always been more than enough magic for her” (91). 现在,克拉拉面对的是阅读更多→

Nina Stott is a daring spirit, a warrior unshy about being herself. 她是一个“像棱镜一样”的人, 每个人的光通过她反射, showing every single thing that [makes someone else] special” (259). However, she is tragically killed in a drunk driving accident. Without her sister Nina, Eleonora (Leo) doesn’t know what happy is supposed to feel like. Robin Benway’s novel A Year to the Day tells the story of Leo’s journey as she navigates the waters of 悲伤 and tries to regain her memory of that fateful night. Nina’s absence takes up space in Leo’s heart, reminding her of what has阅读更多→

但丁·美得玛没有找到的信息 is a romantic mystery that keeps the reader intrigued with every turn of the page. Medema tells the story of two “ride or die” friends: Vanessa Carson and 贝利 Pierce. A lover of Disney princesses and blue raspberry flavored Pop Rocks, 凡妮莎梦想有一天成为一名作家. 贝利, 另一方面, hopes to follow in her parents’ footsteps to work in computer coding and artificial intelligence. 一天晚上, the girls trade Pop Rocks therapy for champagne drinking and ice cream eating as they share secrets and commiserate about boys and 贝利’s breakup. 当瓦内萨收到一条短信阅读更多→

With the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 having recently been commemorated, we all might wonder whether we have progressed as a nation in the last two decades. We might ask ourselves if we treat others better today than we did in the days and months after the attacks. Because today’s school age youth were not yet alive in 2001, 他们可能想知道为什么9月11日会有这样的座右铭, 永远不会忘记. 他们可能想知道为什么历史如此重要.  Saadia Faruqi’s novel Yusuf Azeem Is Not a Hero will guide middle grade readers to understand these complicated questions with their layered answers. 读者将了解这段历史阅读更多→

Al虽然 not the historical fiction giant that is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, 杰西卡·维塔利斯的《皇冠登录welcome》 uses Death as one of its narrators. 通过她12岁的主人公Gauge, 木匠的孙子, Vitalis explores the social custom of rites of passage and life after death. 在他爷爷去世之后, Gauge no longer has the protection he needs from Lord Mayor Vulpine who is terrorizing the village of Bouge and who blames Gauge for the death of his wife. 保护他不受卫兵的伤害, who wish to arrest Gauge and set him out to sea to die because he is a Voyant阅读更多→

With its first line: “The prison is always quiet but never still,” I suspected The River Has Teeth would be suspenseful and riveting. 艾丽卡·沃特斯没有让人失望.  Her novel joins the ranks of good psychological crime thrillers like Silence of the Lambs or the television series Criminal Minds. Besides the main plot thread of girls going missing in The Bend and the mystery of who is murdering them, the book carries several other threads to keep the reader engaged. One thread follows Della Lloyd and her family’s magic, 谋杀, and infinite crimes in brewing potions for customers with vengeful 虽然ts. 劳埃德一家住在阅读更多→

Set in North Carolina, 梅森·迪弗的《我们留住的鬼魂 is a book about coping with 悲伤. It confirms that healing is a complicated process different for everyone. 当利亚姆·库珀的兄弟, 伊森死于一场肇事逃逸事故, 利亚姆的世界失去了正常.  16岁的, non-binary musician can find no life outside the music he makes with the aid of GarageBand software. Even his friends Joel and Vanessa consider him too morose. Feeling like he doesn’t belong anywhere and trying to navigate the grieving process alone, 他的愤怒和沮丧使他精疲力竭. Initially, Liam believes that he will move through the阅读更多→