Set in Colorado, Jenny Goebel的《welcome皇冠地址》 tells the story of thirteen-year-old Emily Walker. Daughter of a mom with grit and determination who tells her to play it safe and an athletic dad who tells her to go for it, Em is a lead attacker for the Impalers’ volleyball team. Strong, 喜欢冒险的, 以及确定自己是一名运动员, Em feels like she has to compete with Dad’s real estate clients for attention. Because a bad appraisal or inspection often takes precedence over Emily and her mother, Emily believes that her dad only pays attention to her life when she is winning tournaments and trophies. 当艾米丽阅读更多→

Guilt is the glue that keeps Rana’s immigrant family together. In the Muslim world that Rana is from, the goal is to become a dutiful wife. 然而, that is a version of womanhood that Rana can’t live up to. She’s gay but keeps her sexual 身份 secret. Because she’s suffering from the loss of one of her best friends, 路易离奇死亡, Rana quits basketball and carbo loads her pain. As she shrinks into herself, her teacher Ms. 穆里略试图把她引出来, telling her that her opinion matters and offering her meditation as a way to open up to possibility:阅读更多→

用任何其他名字, Erin Cotter writes a historical fiction novel about William Shakespeare’s London, sharing ample allusions to his work and plays. The story opens in 1593 London at the Rose Theater, where young Will Hughes is aging out of the theater because his voice is changing and he will no longer be able to play the female parts. 使他的生活更加复杂, the plague is making its way through the city, 电影院将关闭,直到法案通过. As a result, his patron, Christopher Marlowe (Kit) encourages him to find another home. 皇冠登录welcome. 这句话使威尔屏住了呼吸. 八点阅读更多→

Middle-schooler Shane Johnson loves the sounds, action, and energy of basketball. On the court, he feels most whole and alive. After he is in a serious accident that leaves him in a coma for a month, 谢恩回归篮球, but Travis Clark has taken over his position on the team. How will Shane regain that lost part of himself so that he no longer feels empty, 无助的, 没有目的? Now that he is on the road to full recovery, Shane is happy to be out from under the pain, 愤怒, 悲伤, and stress that he thought would hover like a dark cloud阅读更多→

伊丽莎白·林的《皇冠登录welcome》 is a fantasy blended with elements of both English and Asian folklore. While Lim tells a tale of two sisters and their unbreakable bond, she also relates key truths about human nature—those that regard greed, 背叛, 和信任. The only time Channari Jin’aiti feels truly alive, 真正的自由, and truly awake is when she is in the jungle. 从她妹妹瓦娜出生起, Channi has hunted the Demon Witch who has taken the body of a tiger as her vessel and searches for the dragon pearl. “The Channi of the jungle and the Channi who lives in her阅读更多→

Pride and Prejudice in Pittsburgh by Rachael Lippincott does indeed allude to the Jane Austen novel. 然而, 它的意义远不止这些, taking a deep dive into the magic of attraction and chemistry, where two young women wish for moments charged with potential.   通常雄心勃勃,充满灵感, 奥黛丽·卡梅伦住在2023年的匹兹堡, 但她已经暂停了自己的生活. Art school wait lists, rejections, and heartbreaks seem to define her present. Because her heart’s desire involves using art to tell the stories of people, Audrey dreams of attending Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). 她希望把时间花在学习上阅读更多→

With This Indian Kid, Eddie Chuculate writes what he subtitles A Native American Memoir. Recounting events from his life during the years 1976-1984, Chuculate conveys how living in Oklahoma—where the races grew up together—the library was his second home. The days of his youth and adolescence were filled with playing sports, 园艺, 钓鱼, 写作, 听音乐. A addict of sorts, Eddie “lived and breathed sports.他是夏季棒球的全明星, shot hoops in the backyard goal year-round ‘til midnight, 这是一种安全, 跑步回来, 和足球场上的开球后卫”(124). His only problem at school came in basketball because Coach阅读更多→

在她最近的小说《不要回头》中, Rebecca Barrow has penned a psychological thriller with plot twists that parallel the intensity of a Criminal Minds drama. 作为这个故事的中心人物, 巴罗创造了哈洛福特, 谁一生都在逃亡, moving to a new location whenever something triggers her mom’s paranoia. As a result, Harlow has had to reinvent, build, and dismantle several identities. 鉴于这一现实, the moments during which Harlow feels most at home are those moments spent with her mom in the car, “wherever they’ve been in the rearview mirror, 不管他们像谁一样逐渐消失阅读更多→

《皇冠登录welcome》凯特·皮尔索尔著 is set in Caball Hollow in the Appalachian Mountains of West Virginia, 传说和爱情在那里茁壮成长. Pearsall tells the story of the James family and the lives of its women whose legacy is superstition. 一个被怀疑是女巫的家庭, the James women use minerals and locally grown plants to create infusions, 药酒, 和安慰;. With these homemade remedies and whispered words, they treat people’s ailments. 然而, this story extends beyond a family and natural remedies to become about our deepest desires, 对可能性的信念, and the sacrifices we are willing to make in the name of阅读更多→