Coretta Scott King 主宾 Jewel Parker Rhodes tells a beautiful tale of determination, 希望, connection in her forthcoming book for young readers, .  Reading this wonderful book brought to mind other strong-willed young girls who recognize and rise above their limited circumstances (莉莉·在 Freedom Stone, Deza在 The Mighty Miss Malone, Zulaikha in Words in the Dust, 艾迪在 A Thousand Never Evers) to become more than their communities or their social circumstances would have expected them to be.

Set five years after the end of the Civil War, 10 year old 糖 has lived her whole life on River Road sugar plantation on Southern Louisana.  Her father having been sold years ago and her mother having recently died of exhaustion, 糖 feels that even though she may be free, she chaffs against the prospect of spending her life toiling at River Road.  To find some escape, 糖 explores the edges of River Road, soon teams up with an unlikely ally, 比利, the plantation owner’s son.

When Chinese laborers are brought in to work on the plantation, 糖 sees another opportunity to quench her thirst for knowledge about the world beyond River Road.  While the other River Road folks are threatened by the presence of the Chinese, 糖 is intrigued and soon has made friends with young Beau and Master Liu.  糖 realizes its up to her to bridge the gap between the Chinese laborers and the former slaves who still work at River Road, it doesn’t take long for her loyalty, 魅力, determination to bring the whole community together.

is both a story about and character keenly aware of the possibilities, connections, opportunities life has to offer.  Faced with a fate that seems harsh, unchangeable, isolating, 糖 chooses instead to believe in and actively create relationships and a future for herself that are full of 希望, 承诺, 和爱.

  • Posted by 科里

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