
In 小空间, 的前传 凯瑟琳·雅顿他的新书 死亡的声音, 可可Zintner, 奥利维亚·阿德勒, and 布莱恩 Battersby were alone, 失去了, 从塞特身边跑开, also known as the smiling man, and from living scarecrows who hunted in a dark corn maze and who tried to drag them off and turn them into scarecrows, 太,

Good at playing chess and making plans, Coco is a careful and nervous girl.    奥利, Coco’s best friend who 失去了 her mother in an airplane accident, excels at math and wishes to be as fierce, reckless and brilliant as her mother the math professor and adventurer had been—“always laughing, 一直运行, 永远飞翔”(125).  布莱恩 is the star of the middle school hockey team.  出生在牙买加, he loves books and scoring goals, but his real super power is noticing what goes on around him.

After their odd October adventure of being kidnapped into another world, 迷雾背后的世界, the trio formed a lasting bond, but none of them like being alone in the dark.  现在是十二月, and the three sixth graders are snowed in at Hemlock Ski Lodge in Evansburg, 佛蒙特州, 和四个大人一起, but they are still afraid—nerves strung as tight as the line of the storm-cloaked ski lifts outside.  奥利, 布莱恩, and Coco had come out of the world behind the mist, a world where they narrowly escaped with the help of 奥利’s mother’s watch, only wanting to forget about that experience—to go back to school, 做个正常的孩子, 骑他们的自行车, 做家庭作业, 做司康饼.  而不是, they are trapped in the maze of the ski lodge, 想要帮助格莱托, one of the Sacred Heart orphans find her bones.

All three agree that Hemlock Lodge is creepy.  Not only because the taxidermy exhibits keep moving and things like the generators stop functioning despite their being nothing noticeably wrong with them but because the storm outside keeps creeping in through the cracks, carrying ghostly voices with the wind.  当唐·沃兰, a ghost hunter and journalist who writes about ghosts, 鬼故事, 奇怪的事件, and other things that cannot be explained, 出乎意料地出现, his presence adds to the spooky atmosphere.

然而,当先生. Voland claims to know how to talk to ghosts, 奥利, who is eager to learn so that she can converse with her dead mother, 同意. Voland的 ghost hunting expedition.  “Most ghosts,” Voland explains, “they just sort of exist.  他们不是人.  More like the memory of a person.  A piece of the past, stuck in the present.  But sometimes—occasionally—they are more.  Those ghosts don’t just exist, they act.  他们想要一些东西.  That’s when they’re dangerous, when they want something” (84-85).  After all, ghosts likes to inspire fear; fear means acknowledgement of their existence.

Mother Hemlock, the mistress of Sacred Heart Orphanage, wants to search out naughty children.  Since Gretel has run away and is in hiding, Mother Hemlock is on the prowl.  Both 奥利 and Coco have nightmares in which they see glimpses of conditions at the old Sacred Heart Orphanage and in which they receive messages from whispers to stay out of closets and to avoid looking into mirrors.  Those cautions don’t deter the trio, 然而, who are soon in the thick of the mysteries of Hemlock Lodge.

They communicate with 奥利’s mom through Mr. Voland的 显灵板 and receive more warnings to beware, but of what they need to be wary and aware, the children are unsure—until 奥利 loses her mother’s watch to Mr. Voland and finds herself on the other side of the mirror playing a game of wits against Mr. Voland who threatens to have them all behind the mirror by dawn unless they outsmart him and win his nasty game.

From the experiences shared in 死亡的声音, readers will learn that a face is just another kind of deception; that tackling some problems isn’t the same as playing a hockey game where speed, 强度, and bravery usually produce a win; and that risky behavior can be training for courage.  Because fear means a person is thinking of the future and of what might happen, doing something risky implies a person can’t think of the future but only of the present.  “And if you think of now, then you won’t be scared” (138).  We also learn the power of a feint, an aggressive move to draw an opponent’s attention.  “The thing about a feint is it’s just a trick.  一种策略.  A way to mask a much more subtle, simple, and straightforward attack somewhere else” (227).

的读者 R.L. 斯坦的 起鸡皮疙瘩的 系列 and similar ghost stories will likely find pleasure in the spine-tingling thrills of 死亡的声音 when a winter ski vacation takes a terrifying turn.

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