压扁 by Megan Wagner Lloyd & Michelle Mee Nutter

Megan Wagner Lloyd Michelle Mee Nutter have collaborated to create a graphic novel for middle grade readers. 压扁 features eleven-year-old Avery Annie Lee who lives in Hickory Valley, 马里兰, with her six other siblings. 压扁 for time, 空间, 和 a little peace 和 quiet to perform her artwork, Avery decides to raise the money needed to build a bedroom in the basement. After trying dog walking 和 a lemonade st和, Avery realizes that money-making carries its own challenges.

Soon, Avery earns that her 家庭 might be moving to Oregon. Distressed by all of the 改变 in her life, she pitches a fit 和 threatens to run away. When her two sisters Josie 和 Juliet do run away, Avery has to reconsider what it means to be a role model. She also learns that life is full of transitions 和 that 改变 can be both difficult 和 rewarding.

  • Posted by 唐娜

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